a low angle shot of marijuana plants with the sky and sun in the background

Best Strains For Stress Relief

These days, most of us are suffering from some form of stress. While meditation and yoga can often help, there is another way that may help ease the pain of stress – through specific cannabis strains aimed towards possibly helping with relaxation and destressing.

How Marijuana May Help to Relieve Stress

Created from cannabis plants, cannabidiol (CBD) and tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) may both be effective in relieving stress and reaching a feeling of calmness. It should be noted, however, that before starting any regimen you should contact your healthcare provider. THC should only be used in a mild amount for stress relief, due to its psychoactive properties, as higher doses can make one more anxious.

Our endocannabinoid system (ECS) is responsible for controlling such things as anxiety, stress, fear, learning, memory, sleep, pain control, and more. CBD, which has no psychoactive properties, and low doses of THC send signals to our ECS system, which in turn, calms us down.

(Grinspoon, P. The endocannabinoid system: Essential and mysterious. August 11, 2021)

CBD and THC ratio strains can each be taken in a variety of ways, including gummies, food and edible products, tinctures, or vapes. Different people find differing delivery methods easier and more beneficial for themselves. You may want to experiment to see which works best for you after consulting your healthcare provider.

Best Ratio Strains That May Relieve Stress

Some feel that taking CBD alone can help relieve stress for the moment, others believe there is more long-term benefits of ratio-based products between CBD and THC. There is still much research to be done. At Greenfields Cannabis Company, we suggest that anyone new to cannabis consult their healthcare provider first and if they do start utilizing cannabis start with a ration of CBD to THC somewhere between 50:1 and 10:1 to see how it affects you, just remember low and slow!

A couple of low-THC products that may help with reducing stress are:

Examples of strains with higher levels of THC offering more psychotropic and mood-boosting effects include:

      • Golden Goat
      • Runtz
      • Garlicane
      • Zkittlez
      • Monkey Spunk
      • Sativa strains tend to lean this way

While your friends may make suggestions based on what has helped their anxiety level, what works for them may not be for you. It is best to talk with your doctor or healthcare professional first. The staff at Greenfields Cannabis Company can answer any basic product questions regarding your needs. Finding the right product for you is truly what matters most!

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Lower Stress, Increase Creativity

It is common knowledge that stress affects one’s ability to think clearly and be creative. The more stress you reduce, the more your creative juices will flow. Finding the right cannabis sativa strain, which often has a higher dose of THC and a lower dose of CBD, may help with lowering stress and enhancing cognitive function and may open a whole new world for one’s creative self!

You may find the same anxiety-reducing qualities but without feeling tiredness or a reduction of energy when using sativas, but effects differ from person to person and a healthcare professional should always be consulted first. If you want to explore your creative side, we recommend considering one of the strains listed above. Always consult your healthcare provider first and remember low and slow is the safest bet!

Sativa Strains from Greenfields Cannabis Company that May Help Reduce Stress 

Whether you are new to cannabis use or have already found it beneficial, when you have questions, Greenfields Cannabis Company has answers. Let’s discuss what you want from a sativa strain or stress-reducing ratio to help you explore your options. Contact us today.


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Featured Image:  Handatko /Shutterstock

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